Emerging Collective Bargaining Processes & Negotiation Skills for Managers & Trade Union Officials
Course Description
Intrinsic in this course is a basic assumption and that is that a new labour movement is emerging or has emerged. Impliedly, there is an old which is giving way to the new. A perception of change within the movement which has generated new structures and the subsequent impact of these nascent pillars on the operational dynamics of the trade unions become central. When these other two challenges are mixed with the character and nature of the present and emerging leadership within the movement, every labour activists begins to ponder what the future of the movement holds not only for the workers, the society and other stakeholders but to the movement as a social platform.
There is no doubt that the Labour movement has always come under pressure by the exploitative and oppressive forces of the society especially Capital and its supporters however recently, the movement has begun to experience increasing and overwhelming pressures from all manners of forces both within and without the movement. The severity of these pressures having burgeoned crystalized into what every keen observer and activist within the movement have come to identify as the continuous and consistent reduction in the various spaces upon which the movement had hitherto held sway.
The course is designed to look at some of the key concepts, look at the implications of these prevailing style of leadership on the labour movement, outline some of the emerging structures and their impact on the movement and then look at the nature and character of prevailing leadership within the labour movement as it is presently constituted within the trade union space.
Course Objective:
At the end of the course, participants will be able to;
- Develop a self-awareness of their natural negotiation and conflict management style
- Have the skill to think analytically and strategically about the negotiation process
- Have enhanced their own personal negotiation and conflict management skills
- Be able to use a three strep model to prepare effectively for all negotiations
- Have enhanced vital leadership, management and personal skills that will impact on their performance across all aspects of their professional lives
- Create an understanding of the need for trade union leaders to evolve strategies that will assist them strike a balance in the workplace
- Deepen the understanding of trade union leaders on the forces that shape their actions in the workplace
- Inculcate in the participants a better understanding of their respective roles in repositioning their organization
- Create strategic thinking amongst trade union leadership
- Map out effective strategies for re-organizing their approach to Industrial relations in their respective workplaces
- Equip the leadership with certain practical skills for successful leadership
Course Content:
- Trade Unionism: challenges and prospects
- Trade Union Development, functions and structure
- Modern trade unions, current challenges and strategies for survival
- A world without trade unions: issues and deficits to social partners and global economy
- The Economic Environment of Trade Union
- Strategies for Evolving and Promoting Trade Union Values and Policies
- The Trade Unions and the Society: Building a positive symbiosis
- Strategic Leadership and Planning in trade union organizations
- The Concept, Principles & Challenges of Leadership
- Current Trade Union Leadership Issues and Challenges in Nigeria
- Workplace Conflict: Causes, Costs & Management
- Enforcing Negotiated Workplace Agreements: Issues and challenges
- The impact of Economic dynamics on Workplace Relations
- Leadership Recruitment and crisis in Trade Unions: issues and solutions
- Industrial Democracy and organizational success: The role of social partners
- Effective Leadership in workplace relations
- Challenges to workplace partnership
- Factors enabling collaboration in the Workplace
- Collective Bargaining for workplace synergy
- Stakeholders expectations & workplace partnership
- Tools for creating effective workplace partnership
- Industrial Harmony: the role of partners
Target Audience:
Employee Relations Managers, newly inducted union members, Human Resource Managers, and Union Leadership.
Delivery Method:
Lectures, discussions, syndicate work, case studies, role – play and exercises. Audio – Visual aids will be used to reinforce these training and learning methods.
Course Venue:
Course Fee:
Course Duration: 2 Weeks
Course Date: November 28th – December 2nd, 2022
Course Info
- Duration: 2 Weeks
- Language: English
- Prerequisites: No
- Course Capacity: 25
- Start Course: 11/29/2021
- Certificate: Yes
About Instructor
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